Monday, September 17, 2012

MFC Episode 2 - 90s Galore

Good day sirs and mademoiselles! Welcome to the blog for Mainframe Chronicle. A TV review podcast of the 90s cartoon ReBoot. I apologize for not posting this episode Saturday (as I intended) but alas, I was busy looking at rooms and apartments in LA as I need a place to stay. Also I was sleeping since I had to get up at 6:30 to go do some work as a second interview kind of thing. It went well though and was totally worth it. More on that later.

Anyways, the reason you are here: Mainframe Chronicle episode 2. We talk about the episodes: The Medusa Bug, The TIFF, and In the Belly of the Beast. We discuss many other things alone the way, including superman, batman, and pokemon. Hope you guys enjoy! As always, check us out and leave us a review on iTunes. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed on this page. There should also be a download link somewhere. You can and should find us on twitter (@MFChronicle), Facebook (Mainframe Chronicle Page), or email (

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