Sunday, November 11, 2012

Rogue Arrow Episode 5 - Damaged

MP3 File
There was a stupid amount of problems recording this week. Well there was one. Google+ kept dropping me from the call and as such there are a few moments where it jumps a bit. I apologize for this, but I did my best to make it coherent. Please click on the donate button on the right of the blog to help out with the production costs. Leave us a message and we'll mention you as a sponsor on the show! Thanks for listening!

Yao Fei. Not Panda Bear" Grylls

Oliver Queen has a habit of getting caught. Example of the great juxtapositional moments in this episode.

This is what I heard when Ollie was explaining why he looked at the camera.

Here's the Diggle gif.


Eddie Fyers:
Show vs. Comic

Comic vs. Show

 Once again, Deathstroke's mask on the beach in the pilot.

Who's more badass?

Black Canary's fishnets. It got pretty out of hand sometimes and went too far. 

Katie Cassidy's legs would look great in fishnets


Check out our other podcasts: - Review podcast of the 90s cartoon ReBoot. - We talk about movies!

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