Monday, November 19, 2012

Rogue Arrow Episode 6 - Legacies

First off, sorry the show is late, we had a bit of a family crisis yesterday and I was unable to get to editing. Second, I went to my parents' house for the week for Thanksgiving and we tried a new way of recording stuff so that I didn't have to bring home all the equipment, that's why the quality is a little sub par.

Royal Flush Gang from the pages of DC's Who's Who:

vs. Arrow

Something I forgot to mention in the episode is that Scott Morgan is the enemy in issue 2 of the comic tie-in series over at Comixology. Check it out! It's a free app and only 99 cents/week for the comics.

As far as the DC cities and their geographical location, I found some maps over at ifanboy. Go over there to check out a zoomable image.

River Tam in Serenity.

And Arrow.

You can read more about Dr. Oz here. Apparently he was on Oprah for 5 seasons.

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