Monday, December 3, 2012

Rogue Arrow Episode 7 - Muse of Fire

MP3 File
Hey guys! Welcome back. Special thanks for the very awesome podcast at completelycomics. Also checkout Quiver Podcast. They are from Vancouver where the filming takes place so we get some insight on the locations and local actors and such. Now onto the episode, Muse of Fire. Reference to the prologue of Henry V by Shakespeare.

Jack Black

Hugh Jackman

= Jack Jackman

Here's a screenshot of when Oliver throws the rebar. Obviously no actual rebar, but it looks to me that it supposedly bounces off the weel well cover thingy (technical term).

Clearly not in the street... 

Here's a bit about Oracle:

Schedule for the end of the year:
Vendetta - Dec. 5th
Years End - Dec. 12th
Then we break until 
Burned - Jan. 9th


and Son

Definitely don't look like father and son. 

Tahmoh Penikett gone too soon.

Go to to find your local comic shop!

Links to our other podcasts are on the right side of the page.

And here is the preview for next Episode: Vendetta.

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