Sunday, December 9, 2012

Rogue Arrow Episode 8 - All Apologies (er... Vendetta)

Welcome back to the Rogue Arrow Podcast! Check out the new player up top thanks to Stitcher radio app! There is a lot of noise in the first half but it clears up after we yell at Chris for messing with his computer.

The mask doesn't do a lot to hide her identity. At least in my opinion. 
What do you think? Comment below

Awkward looks. "What are you doing here?"

"That's a damn good question."

This just looks super uncomfortable.

What do you think? 

Could Daddy's death lead Tommy to do something...


Crooked mouth?

Flash bang arrow! 

Not an impossible shot, it was just too quick to see that he shot from behind her and spun it out of her hand. It's not a great screen shot but it shows the arrow coming over her shoulder and hitting the bow of the crossbow, which would surprise her enough to drop it. 

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